Toyota, citizen of the world: a policy of global commitment

March 02 2018

Toyota, citizen of the world: a policy of global commitment
Toyota's commitment to the environment isn’t a coincidence, but a culture of environmental protection that is essential to the company.

Moreover, as you know, the Japanese have been champions in conveying the values ​​of the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, for several decades Japanese culture has incorporated environmental standards into its legislation regarding waste management, consumption and reduction of emissions that are harmful to health. Standards that every business executive has a duty to prioritize. To do so, here is Toyota's environmental policy and its benefits.

Toyota Canada Inc. Environmental Policy

As mentioned earlier, Toyota's environmental culture and leadership has made a public commitment to reduce the environmental footprint of its products, services and daily operations. This policy reads as follows:

1. Comply with legislation, regulations and all applicable requirements;

2. Conduct an annual review of its environmental objectives and set challenging but realistic goals;

3. Ensure that full-time, part-time, contract and temporary associates, suppliers and contractors are aware of their individual responsibilities to act in accordance with the environmental policy;

4. Provide effective information and training to enhance individual awareness and encourage everyone's environmental responsibility; and

5. Encourage associates to participate in activities that support the pillars of TCI's environmental policy, including:

  • Protection of the environment and harmony with nature;
  • The creation of a low-carbon society (reduction of greenhouse gases);
  • Recycling and preservation of resources.

An internal policy that produces results

With this policy, Toyota has reduced 90% of Canadian head office waste diverted to landfills, reduced paper consumption by 65% ​​at Canadian headquarters, and 100% of all Canadian sites are ISO 14001 certified.

The ISO 14001 standard provides a framework for controlling environmental impact and leads to a permanent improvement of its environmental performance. A standard that can be used by any organization, regardless of its size and location, an example to follow.